The big white envelope came!! I walked in the door and Aubrey comes running up to me with the boys trailing behind, and they shout, "Mom, It Came, It Came"! I quickly swear them to secrecy before Casey gets home from doing service for a member of our church. Brentley almost let the cat out of the bag a couple of times but quickly recovered, which frightens me just a little bit as he now has the skill to keep a secret and recover if he almost gives it up, lol. When Robert got home he called Casey into our room as if Casey were in trouble and asked him how he did with his service work and if Casey thought that he did a well enough job to gain the blessings that come when we do service. Casey felt very confident that he had done a good job and felt that he would for sure receive blessings. Then Robert says, "Well, son the Lord feels the same way" and hands him his letter. It was awesome!! And the reaction that Casey displayed will always be etched in my mind. He is so excited and happy. He carries himself with purpose, and that my friends is all a parent hopes for. ;)
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